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In the present day ministries of Apostles and Prophets, which Jesus Christ set in the church as foundational and revelational ministries.  We believe that the five-fold ministries of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher are fully functional in today's church for the equipping of the saints, the work of the ministry and the edification of the Body of Christ. They are for the divine purpose of bringing every believer into the unity of the faith, so that each believer may fulfill God's perfect will for their lives. (Acts 3:21, 11:27-28, 21:10; Ephesians 2:20, 4:11-16; I Cor 12:28; Romans 12:6-8)
















We believe that God speaks to His people today through at least five different methods of the prophetic - the term prophetic is used to indicate the Gift of Prophecy with the ministry gifts and callings.


These five methods are: the offices of the Apostle and Prophet, Gift of Prophecy, prophetic preaching, prophetic presbytery, and Spirit of Prophecy.  We believe in all five methods.


We believe that the Holy Spirit speaks to us personally through the Gift of Prophecy, and this is called receiving a "prophetic word."


We believe that all in the body of Christ may prophesy and that through prophesying, the Holy Spirit brings edification, exhortation, and comfort to a person.


We believe that some believers are gifted with the Gift of Prophecy, and that through the Gift of Prophecy the Holy Spirit may also release any anointing necessary to bring about miracles, healing, and deliverance.


We believe that some believers are called and commissioned into the offices of the Apostle, Prophet/Prophetess, Evangelist, Teacher and Pastor and that the Gift of Prophecy used through an Apostle, Prophet/Prophetess can bring correction, judgment and instruction, as well as, impartations of the anointing and activation's in ministry gifts and callings. (Psalms 107:20; Hebrews 4:12; Romans 10:17)


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